Alpha Majoris di Betazed
12/12/2009 - 09/08/2018
Rome, 9th of August 2018

Of all the cats we had in these years you always had a very special place in my heart.
Born in our first litter, you were not supposed to stay with us but we would have to look for a loving family taking care of you in the best way. But things did not go like we planned, in any case things seldom go as one expects. As soon as you started moving the first uncertain and funny steps and you felt safe enough to venture out of the kennel where you were born you have always directed yourself towards me.
When you learned to climb, and then jump, the first place you tried to climb on was our bed, the first thing you did when you succeded was to come on my chest and start licking in my face until you fell asleep there, tired by the hard road and happy for the successful journey.
You did this for the first time when you were about one month old, and then you did it every day for months until it was time to let you go to someone else's home, but at that moment I realized that I would never had the courage to trust anyone, I was your human and you were my cat.
You grew up, you became a worthy daughter of your dad Nermal, reaching almost his size (and his weight!) but you have always continued to fall asleep on me after filling me with kisses. During the winter you often snuck under the duvet and crouched between my shoulder and chest where you fell asleep with your head on my arm, after giving us a whole new purring concert. You were not suposed to stay with us also because among your brothers and sisters you did not seem to be the one with the best ears, the best tail, in short you did not seem the one that in the stupid paranoia of whoever breeds could be the best cat of the litter, the one to invest on.
And of course, like in fairy tales, even if you were not the ugly duckling but a beautiful kitten, growing up you're bloomed and you've also become a wonderful cat and still you are the one that gave us the best results in shows and first and unique to bring the name of our cattery to the "supreme" title.
You endured without even a little mew all the hardships of long trips to go to some show, even when we were stuck at the airport for the snow, without heating. I took you in my arms and kept you inside of my coat and you stayed there until the morning, curled up in the warm of our bodies, purring and kissing me as usual, as if everything was normal because after all we were there with you. You were so smart, very smart, it took you just a few days to understand how the new alarm clock worked, to understand that if you gave a pat with your paw to the base you stopped it making that odious noise and you could come back to me to ask for more cuddles. Like a dog you came when called by your name. You also understood perfectly how all the other cats were named and when we called some of them who was "hidden" or crouched unseen somewhere, you immediately went in their direction without hesitation and showed us where they were.
You always trusted us, you have also accepted everything from Laura; even if you sometime pretended to be grumpy you continued to look for her, to lie down next to her, to get on the table when we had finished dinner and ask her for attentions. When we realized that you were sick, that you risked to have your hind legs paralyzed you have endured interventions, medicines, rehabilitation without problems, even when you had to walk on the speadwalk immersed in water up to your chest. You understood that it was to make you feel better and you accepted it, you never got angry with Laura that led you to suffer all those "torture", you became much more fond of her than before. You resisted and in a few weeks you seemed to have returned a kitten, you ran and jumped and we hoped that we could give you still many happy and peaceful years. But things unfortunately almost never go as we would like, it is just a year after those days and I'm here to mourn you because of a damn lymphoma. I know that many of the things I've told may seem impossible to believe for those who did not know you, there will be someone who think that I'm exaggerating, that I'm humanizing you too much, but I know how you were, you really were like that and much more, I have lived with you all these moments that will remain in my mind and in my heart forever and that I will regret forever, because now you are no longer here. I will no longer hear your little voice, that particular verse that you were doing, there will no longer be your white-gloved hands to sprinkle me, your licking and your purring. That ugly evil illness that took you away from me in a few days has canceled nine years of unconditional trust and affection that only pets may give us. I'm not humanizing you, you were not and you could never be human, you cats are too superior. You were a wonderful feline companion in this too short part of life spent together and that we wished could be longer, but unfortunately this has not been possible.
Goodbye my little Alpha, my little star, my little big love. You will always have a special place in my heart
